Sedation Dentistry in Plano
Your comfort is a top priority at Dental Studio 121. We practice safe sedation dentistry because we understand that many of our patients suffer from very real dental anxiety. Your nerves should never keep you from getting the care you need. We do everything we can to keep you as relaxed and comfortable as possible throughout your appointment, and if you ever feel like you just need a minute, let us know!
Contact UsGentle Anesthesia with DentalVibe®

Much of the fear of the dentist stems from the fear of getting the anesthesia shot in preparation for fillings and other smaller procedures. At Dental Studio 121, we use the DentalVibe to gently administer anesthesia. The DentalVibe uses vibration as a pain-blocking signal to reduce discomfort from the injection.
Nitrous Oxide

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide helps patients with mild to moderate anxiety stay calm during their appointment. We administer the sweet-smelling gas through a mask worn over the nose and mouth. You’ll wear it during your appointment, and once it’s over, just breathe easy for a few minutes and you’ll return to normal. Nitrous oxide will leave you feeling relaxed, and maybe a bit giddy, during your treatment. You’ll be conscious the whole time, though, so you can alert us to any issues and we can ask you questions throughout.
Oral Conscious Sedation
For patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety, we offer oral conscious sedation. With this sedation method, we’ll prescribe a pill for you to take shortly before your appointment begins. Once you’re in the dental chair, you’ll feel completely at ease, and we’ll be able to get right to work. You will be awake during the procedure to answer questions or alert us to any issues, but for the most part, you will just relax while we work. The effects do take a while to wear off, though, so you must have someone drive you to and from your appointment.
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