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Dr. Rishi Bafna
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Is Fluoride Beneficial for Teeth?

Curly-haired young woman smiles with teeth remineralized with fluoride wearing a yellow blouse in a wheat field

At Dental Studio 121, we strive to educate our patients about the importance of outstanding oral healthcare habits. In fact, many common dental ailments can be avoided with proper preventive care. Daily attention to your teeth saves you future time, money, and discomfort due to tooth decay and gum disease. You know that good oral hygiene includes brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and flossing each day, but many people have questions about fluoride. Today we will explain how this vital mineral benefits teeth!

How Does Fluoride Benefit Teeth?

Fluoride reduces the occurrence of tooth decay by strengthening your enamel through a process called remineralization. Your enamel consists of mineral crystals packed closely together that can be dissolved by acids produced when your oral bacteria feed upon your dietary sugars and carbohydrates. This is called demineralization. Remineralization returns vital minerals, like fluoride, calcium, and phosphate, to your enamel. This balances out any loss of minerals that have weakened your teeth. Weakened enamel is more susceptible to tooth decay and cavities, but fluoride can repair enamel damage and help keep it strong!

How Can I Use Fluoride to Keep My Teeth Strong?

  1. Water
  2. Chances are you and your family are already regularly ingesting this teeth-strengthening mineral: one of the great public health achievements of the 20th century was community water fluoridation. Fluoride naturally occurs in virtually all water supplies anyway, but many communities fortify their water with the optimal amount of fluoride (0.7 milligrams per liter of water). Moreover, fluoridated water is safe for children. Consuming fluoridated water as a child not only reduces the risk of childhood cavities, but also of tooth loss due to decay as a middle-aged adult.

    Water with fluoride being poured into a glass against a sparkly blue and violet background

  3. Oral Care Products
  4. There are a variety of fluoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes that aid in remineralization. But keep in mind that children require close adult supervision to ensure they do not swallow their fluoridated dental products. Excessive exposure to fluoride can cause a harmless cosmetic condition called fluorosis. Children under three years old only need a grain-of-rice-sized smear of toothpaste each brushing session, and those between three and six years old should only use a pea-sized amount. Additionally, fluoridated mouthwash isn’t appropriate for children under six years old unless prescribed by a dentist. Even children between the ages of six and twelve should be closely monitored when using mouthwash.

  5. Professional Treatment
  6. We may recommend a professional fluoride treatment to aid severe cases of enamel damage. During this procedure, our team will apply a strong concentration of fluoride to your teeth, coating their surfaces. Although the treatment takes just a few minutes, it works wonders for strengthening tooth enamel. After the treatment, you’ll need to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes, but then you can return to normal activity with the knowledge that your teeth are better protected.

Ask Us All Your Dental-Related Questions!

To ask our team any questions about fluoride or to schedule your next checkup, contact our office today!

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