At Dental Studio 121, our team is proud to serve our Plano community by providing high-quality dental care for the whole family. Our very own Dr. Bafna is so passionate about providing dental care to folks who need it that he serves as a dental officer with the rank of Captain in the U.S. Army Reserves. Read on to learn more about Dr. Bafna’s recent deployment!
Shipping Out to Fort Bliss
When Dr. Bafna received his deployment orders, he learned he’d be stationed at Fort Bliss, a primary U.S. Army base in El Paso. Dr. Bafna was unsure what to expect from Fort Bliss – and El Paso – but was impressed with the size of the army base. He says it was as big as a town with minimum four fitness centers, three swimming pools, and constant activity. While El Paso ranks among the top ten safest large cities in the U.S., it sits right across the border from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the 20th most dangerous city in the world.
Captain Rishi Bafna, DMD
Along with three or four other reservist dentists, Dr. Bafna’s main duty was to check all soldiers who were being mobilized for deployment or returning from deployment. Soldiers were returning from countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Army is known for grueling days, and Dr. Bafna’s experience was no different: he began working at 6:45 AM each day and was finally finished around 6 PM. By providing dental exams, placing crowns and fillings, and performing root canal therapy, Dr. Bafna personally helped improve the oral health of 1,000 soldiers over his three-month deployment.
Learn More About Our Dental Studio 121 Team!
Looking back on his deployment, Dr. Bafna was struck by the camaraderie among the soldiers and how thankful they were for his dental expertise. Overall, he says it was a great experience and is proud to have helped so many people. To learn more about how Dr. Bafna and our team can improve your oral health and help you feel confident in your smile, contact us today!
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